06 May, 2007

My Stand...!! !

Hello to everyone who is reading this. I am very sad today. You’re thinking why? Hmmm, it’s because I forgot where I stand. I forgot that I do not have the rights to be happy. I forgot that I do not have the rights to think about happiness.

After such a long time I was happy again. But it was a happiness that could not be with me for long. I knew it though but still my heart wanted the happiness. And now in the end, I have to hurt another innocent heart. Why is it that when I want to make someone happy, that someone is actually being hurt by me? Am I so unfortunate or is it my fate is such that I have to live this disgraceful life?

Sometimes I wonder, “Why am I living this ridiculous life where I only can give sadness and pain to others? Why am I living to get hurt? Why?” But I only can wonder. I don’t have the answers. I wish to say sorry to all you who are reading my blog. I am saying sorry if I have hurt anyone of you. I have hurt enough and now I don’t want to hurt anyone. I am sorry, really very SORRY !! !

29 April, 2007

Don't Dare to dream...!! !

Dream…!! ! What is the meaning of this word? I asked a few of my friends about the meaning of dream.

Shahitha told me… “Imagining or hopes !”

Kala told me… “My visions, goals and expectation. To imagine the perfect life with all that I want”

Eswaran told me… “You want to become somebody or want something in life?

And for me, I just feel that to dream you need a lot of guts. Guts… something which I don’t have anymore. I know that I do not have the hope anymore, and so to imagine, I only can imagine being down and broken. I do not have any goals. I do not have any expectations. And my vision tells me that I am gonna live the most hopeless life. I can be only nobody in life, and I can’t dare to want something in life. I can’t dare to dream…!! !

Everyone has dreams to do something, to become someone, to be with someone. I also had dreams. Dreams that I wanted to be completed. Dreams that were special to me. But now, I am in the place where I hope no one is in. I am in the place where I know that my happiness is very near me but yet I can’t take the happiness. Even if I try taking it also, I will still have to leave the happiness and I might create more sadness.

Why is it that when someone can get the happiness and yet he can’t take it? Why is that where he finds that his future will prosper and yet he can do nothing to prosper his future? Why is it that every dream of the person is so near and yet he can’t reach them? Why I can’t reach them? Has anyone seen a more unlucky person than me? Well I guess I just do not have the courage anymore. I am not brave enough to face the consequences of life.

I am a just a failure…!! !

05 April, 2007

Life and Death...!! !

Living life is very difficult when you are in a difficult situation. Sometimes you even have to choose whether to live or to die. But even when a person is in this situation, he always has someone to console and encourage him. But what if the person has no one left in his life...? What should he do..? I am in the same situation which I would not want to be in.

Everyone does mistakes. And for every mistakes, there is a punishment. But why is it that people get a punishment more than what they deserve...? I did a mistake and I admit it. I even said that I am sorry to all those whom I have hurt. But the punishment everyone gave me was something too harsh. No one forgave me. My friends avoided me. Even the girl whom I love the most did not want to talk to me. She did not even want to see my face. I had no one by my side. I had no one to encourage me. I had no one to support me. I was just lonely.

My Grandma always told me, that if you do a mistake and ask for forgiveness, you would surely be forgiven cause you have realised your mistakes. She also told me, if GOD can forgive us, why can't humans forgive you. But she was wrong. I was not forgiven and I did not deserve the punishment that was given to me. Is this fair to me...?

I have always wanted to give happiness to everyone around me. But I have only given them sadness. I wanted to do something else but everyone thought that I am doing something else. Is that my fault...? Maybe its my fault. I cannot keep anyone happy. So wat is the point of living...? My life is worthless without the people who are avoiding me. What am I to do...?

13 March, 2007

My Life... :)..!! !

After a long time I am blogging again... Maybe this will be the last time I will be blogging... I want to tell something to everyone about myself... I am feeling very lonely... I want to write what is in my mind now cause I may not have the chance to tell it again..

When a small child is born, he is innocent, cute and loving. He does not even know what awaits him in the future. Then he gets a few habits, a few qualities and also a few characteristics. He gets all this due to his surroundings and due to the people around him. That means the small child changes from an innocent boy to someone else.

The same thing with me. I was once a small child who did not know what the world would make me become. The only thing I could do was to live my life however I could. I had never wanted to change but what to do... Life is such that I have to change.

Sometimes people tell me that I have changed alot. Some people tell me I am changing day by day. Some people even tell me that I am not the guy they used to know. Even the girl whom I love the most in my life told me that I am not the guy she used to love. But they do not realise that humans do not force themselves to change, it just happens. When someone asks me why have I changed, I only could say this... "Time changes, atmosphere changes so people change and that is why I change."

There are some people who have everything in their life and yet they are not happy. And there are also some people who do not have anything but still they are happy. And for me.. I am the person who has everything in life and yet I cannot see what I am having. In this case.. how would I be...? Happy or Sad...? I don't even know...

Am I Alone..? Sometimes I ask this question to myself. Can I keep the people around me happy like how they have always tried to keep me...? I don't know. The only thing I know is this that my life is going on the road which is going to end soon. There isn't any cross junctions where I can change my route. There isn't any traffic lights where I can stop for awhile. There is no one with me to hold my hand and bring me back. There is nothing left for me.

I had always wanted to be happy but I just could not get the happiness. And now when the road is going to end, I am smiling all the way from within. Why is it that life has to be like this...? Why is it that people become so happy when a child is born when they all know it very well that one day the child's life will be taken away...? Why...?

Life is a betrayer cause it will one day leave us and go away. Death is the lover which will wait for us all our life and be with us in the the end.

Durgesh... :)..!! !

11 February, 2007

Remember your Parents…!!!

A little boy loved to play with a tree. He loved to climb the tree, loved to eat apples, loved to take the nap under its shadow. Time went on, the boy grew up and he no longer play around the tree.

One day the boy came. The tree asked him, “Hi. Come and play with me.”
The boy replied. “I am not a kid. I don’t play around tree. I play with toys. I need money to buy toys.”

The tree said... “I don’t have money but you can take all my apples and sell it. You will get money.”

The boy picked up all the apples of the tree and went on. He sold the apples and got money. He bought lots of toys. But he did not turn back. The tree was sad again.

One day again the boy came, he became a young man now. The tree said “Hi. Why are you sad? Come and sit under my shadow. I am feeling lonely without you.”

The boy said, “I don’t have time. I work for my family. I want to build a house for them. I need money.”

The tree said “I don’t have money. You can take my branches and trunk to build your house.”

The boy became happy. He cut all the branches and trunk of the tree and built a house for his family. And again the tree became alone. The boy did not turn back. Time passed on. After a long time the boy came back. He was old, looking sad, tired and lonely.

The tree asked him. “Why are you sad? I wish I can help u. But I don’t have apples. I don’t have branches. Even I don’t have shadow. Nothing to offer you.”

The boy (old man) replied. “I am tired of my life. I am alone I just need you. Can I sit down at your roots?”

The boy sat down. Both were happy and weeping.

Is the boy really cruel and selfish?

In my opinion I say NO. We are all like him and treating our parents like that. The tree is like our parent. We love to play them when we were kids. We leave them alone and come only when we are in need or trouble. We don’t have time for our parents.

No matter what, parents will always give everything to make us happy and solve our problems. And in return what they want is just our company.

Please love your parents. Don’t forget them. Give them time. Give them your company. They will be happy by seeing you happy. Please don’t leave your parents. Gratitude them.

One can get child as many as he wants, but parents he gets only once.

Sometimes we just need to be reminded... :)..!! !

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by
holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200 people, he asked,
"Who would like this $20 bill?"
Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you
but first, let me do this.
He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.
Well, he replied, "What if I do this?"
And he dropped it on the ground
and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.
He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty.
"Now, who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.

My friends... we have all learned a very valuable lesson.
No matter what the speaker did to the money, you still wanted it
because it did not decrease in value.
It was still worth $20.
Many times in our lives,
we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt
by the decisions we make and
the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless.
But no matter what has happened or
what will happen, you will never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased,
you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you.
The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know,

You are special- Don't EVER forget it."

Count your blessings, not your problems.
"And remember: amateurs built the ark ..
professionals built the Titanic.

If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

17 January, 2007

Who Say Our English is TERUK...?

Some people say that our English is TERUK... But in my opinion our English is simple, short, concise, straight-to-point and effective...!! !

Here are some example of how Britons and Singaporeans differ in English...!! !


Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.

Singaporeans: No Stock.


Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?

Singaporeans: Hello, who page?


Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?

Singaporeans: S-kew me


Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.

Singaporeans: No-need, lah.


Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?

Singaporeans: (pointing the door) can ar?


Britons: Please make yourself right at home.

Singaporeans: Don't be shy, lah!


Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.

Singaporeans: Where got?


Britons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.

Singaporeans: Don't want la...


Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.

Singaporeans: You mad, ah?


Britons: Excuse me, but could you please ! lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.

Singaporeans: Shut up lah!


Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time.. Do I know you?

Singaporeans: See what, see what?


Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment.

Singaporeans: Die-lah!!


Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened?

Singaporeans: Wat happen Why like that....


Britons: This isn't the way to do it here let me show you,

Singaporeans: like that also don't know how to do!!!!


Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me

Singaporeans: What the fuck...!! !

So which English is simple, short, effective, ect ect...?